
Cell-Based Bioassay to Screen Environmental Chemicals and Human Serum for Total Glucocorticogenic Activity.

de la Rosa R, Vazquez S, Tachachartvanich P, Daniels SI, Sillé F, Smith MT

Omega-3 fatty acid supplement use and oxidative stress levels in pregnancy.

Sley EG, Rosen EM, van 't Erve TJ, Sathyanarayana S, Barrett ES, Nguyen RHN, Bush NR, Milne GL, Swan SH, Ferguson KK

Maternal exposure to childhood traumatic events, but not multi-domain psychosocial stressors, predict placental corticotrophin releasing hormone across pregnancy.

Steine IM, LeWinn KZ, Lisha N, Tylavsky F, Smith R, Bowman M, Sathyanarayana S, Karr CJ, Smith AK, Kobor M, Bush NR
