
Association between prenatal psychological stress and oxidative stress during pregnancy.

Eick SM, Barrett ES, van 't Erve TJ, Nguyen RHN, Bush NR, Milne G, Swan SH, Ferguson KK

Are acute care settings amenable to addressing patient social needs: A sub-group analysis.

Gottlieb L, Hessler D, Long D, Laves E, Burns A, Amaya A, Schudel C, Sweeney P, Adler N

Effect of prenatal mindfulness training on depressive symptom severity through 18-months postpartum: A latent profile analysis.

Felder JN, Roubinov D, Bush NR, Coleman-Phox K, Vieten C, Laraia B, Adler NE, Epel E

Maternal depressive symptoms and infant healthcare utilization: The moderating role of prenatal mindfulness.

Roubinov DS, Felder JN, Vieten C, Coleman-Phox K, Laraia B, Adler N, Wilson L, Epel E, Bush NR

Higher Perceived Clinic Capacity to Address Patients' Social Needs Associated with Lower Burnout in Primary Care Providers.

Olayiwola JN, Willard-Grace R, Dubé K, Hessler D, Shunk R, Grumbach K, Gottlieb L

Effects of pre- and postnatal maternal stress on infant temperament and autonomic nervous system reactivity and regulation in a diverse, low-income population.

Bush NR, Jones-Mason K, Coccia M, Caron Z, Alkon A, Thomas M, Coleman-Phox K, Wadhwa PD, Laraia BA, Adler NE, Epel ES
